My name is Nehemiah Chauntai. I am what you would call a dancer. Along with being a dancer I have a strong eye for fashion. I Like to think that I'm from a world that most people would call a dream, and I'm just passing through earth. I landed in Cleveland Ohio on March 30, 1991 to the parents of Callie and Fred. I am the middle child out of all boys. That makes six boys. I am currently away at college at UNCSA where I study dance. I love having fun and laughing, and I love nature. I consider my style of life to be very hippie afro-centric. [LOL] Being so big on nature I feel the biggest problem right now is the destroy of mother nature. People take the beauty of nature for granted I feel that could play their part a lot more with recycling and be more conscience of the resources that come from nature, limit their use of it so much so we can reduce the destroy of mother nature. =]. "what is the role of the new digital media play in you life"? Digital media plays a huge role in my life everything is kind of done through the digital world. Its kind of hard to escape it. So heres a brief summary of me hope you enjoyed the ride and im looking forward to the many rides we will have together
Artistically me=]